Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hello. This is my first time blogging ever. I thought it would be so much harder to set up than this! I thought I was going to have to purchase a domain name, pay some one to host my site, adn then learn HTML so that I could design it. But thanks to Google, the entire process took 5 minutes. And thanks to Steven Krause for posting the instructions on his class site.

I decided to start blogging really for theraputic reasons. I just needed a forum to discuss my everyday. I keep a diary, but I wanted something a bit less private. I don't know if that makes sense. It's like I didn't want to advertise my issues, but at the same time, I didn't want to keep them cooped up in a diary. I think posting a blog meets that need. It's on the Internet which is as about as public as it gets, but I can keep a certain anonimoty. Besides, I don't expect any one to read this. So, I am kinda speaking to myself, which I am completely okay with.

I also started this blog to assist me in losing weight. I know, it's the typical American woman's complaint- I am too fat and I need to lose weight. And the common sense response is to eat less and start exercising. A blog is probably the last thing that I need. But, I feel a blog will motivate me. I didn't want to join weight watchers, jenny craig or any of those other dieting groups- where you sit and discuss your issues with weight. I am young- 29 next week. And not that big- a size 12- which I understand is the average size. But it's not my natural size. It sure isn't comfortable. I would say that I am naturally- comfortably a size 8 to 10. So my weight loss goals aren't really that extreme or unattainable. I want to be healthy and fit into the close in my closet. My favorite time of year (fashion wise) is here! I love fall fashion. It's just so stylish. I am not a huge fashion buff, but I love the jeans, boots, button downs, blazers, tights. All those classic pieces that celebrate the fall. So, I have a closet full from last year, and can't fit comfortable into any of it! I refuse to buy larger sizes because when will stop??? The next year I gain more weight and buy larger clothes? No. I stop now and take control. Let's keep a consistent weight for more than 2 weeks- well, that's a little difficult as a woman because weight tends to fluctuate with a woman's menstrual cycle. But I don't flucuate 2 dress sizes- typically one- looser jeans for the bloated abdomen.

Anyways. I am rambling. yes, healthy life style motivation is another reason for my blog. So, today I start my blog at 5' 6" and 179 lbs. Yikes. I think that's the first time I have said my weight publically. That's why I wanted to blog. Because I can publically speak what I've always felt a shame to speak- without really knowing whether or not I have an audience.

As this blog grows, I will speak about other things. I mean, weight isn't the only thing I am frustrated about. I am frustrated about my job, my love life, my family life, pretty much every sector of my life is in some sort of turmoil. Thank God that I don't have major issues in the grand picture, but none the less, it's not great.

Well, I think that might be good for now. I've got to get ready for work tomorrow. And find out what's going on on BB8. For a person that does not own a television, I sure keep up with what's new on TV.

Just to hold myself accountable- tomorrow will begin my exercise/diet plan. Healthy eating- let's see how long I can stay off chocolate and meat! Exercise- in addition to Pilates, I will go to the work gym! Also, more productive work time- let's see if I can stay away from the gossip blogs and Wendy Williams. Will post you tomorrow.



PS. Who knew I had so much to say?

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